How Holding a Digital Camera

Holding camera is one of important thing that must not forget in the basic of photography.Why???

Fault to hold camera caused that picture that we get will be blur and does not focus, so holding camera is the best way to avoid or minimize the effects of camera shake.
A good position to holding camera use right hand dan support underneath with left hand. In another way, the right hand use to shut picture and left hand to hold body of camera, so that camera will not shake or move.
photography for dummies,photography guides,photography tips,photography tutorial,basic photography,how to be a photographer,The Basic Facts Of Photography

If you can not hold camera with your left hand perfectly, you can squat and use your knee to hold your left hand but make sure that your position is stable
photography for dummies,photography guides,photography tips,photography tutorial,basic photography,how to be a photographer,The Basic Facts Of Photography

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