Photography Tips | 10 Tips Choosing Compact Camera

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Photography Tips - Photo, yes Photo. Everyone in the world will not skip their moment that they spend on their special moment. They need a tool to immortalize or to save their special moment.
It was Camera. Now, everyone has camera because cost of camera that cheap and economic, beside that camera was necessary not needed. A Photographer or people that their hobby was Photography must can choose what camera that their need, what type and what it function. There are 2 type of the cameras, their was Compact Camera n and DSLR camera. And  their have different function.
Many people like Compact Camera because it style and easy to bring beside it cost cheaper than DSLR Camera. But, although Compact Camera preferred by almost people, almost of then still don’t know how to choose a good Compact Camera. Here, you will get what a good Compact Camera
Pixel of Compact Camera was determined good or bad of photo’s quality that we get and how much digital zoom that we want so that the photo cannot spilt of pixel. But we need more size of storage to save that photo
Image Stabilization (Anti-Shake)
It will help us to reduce blur photo that we get, so that we get good quality
Sensor size
Larger sensors record more information in the camera so that you can print better quality prints at larger sizes
Auto or Manual control
Becomes more intelligent technology, manufacturers are moving away from manual control modes
Face Detection
It function was to detected face and smile’s human object. It can help to get good photo
Optical Zoom
Higher Optical zoom will make better photo and reduce pixel split easier
Most compacts now have video. The newer and higher priced cameras have more sophisticated video modes with much better quality output than the older cameras
Camera size and style 
There is an extremely wide selection of styles, from sleek and slim like a pocket calculator to more traditionally wide and chubby. Just a hint, the larger the camera, usually, the more zoom and sensor size you can fit into the camera body
View finder
More cameras are going away from the optical viewfinder (you know, where you have your eye right up to the camera) to an LCD viewing screen
Cost or our budget
We should adjust that criteria above with our budget.

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